Why Diets Don’t Work


Research: Each new year, millions of people vow that this is the year they are going to lose those extra pounds, yet each year, millions of people fail. Why is it so difficult to lose weight? This article says it’s not because you are a failure. Here are some things you need to know.

About 90% of individuals struggling with weight loss are ‘emotional eaters.’

On average, we consume many more calories than the 1,200 to 1,500 that women need or the 1,500 to 2,000 that men need. 3,500 extra calories are stored by your body as one pound of fat.

Fast food, carry-out food, pizza deliveries, and snacking on ice cream, cookies, or chips just before bed are all added calories that contribute to weight gain. Experts recommend that you stop eating any food or high calories beverage at least 2-3 hours before your normal bedtime.

Also, most of us eat processed foods that contain no nutritional value. Include more fresh fruits and raw veggies in your diet and keep the processed food to a minimum.

If you are really serious about losing weight, you must design a plan that works for you. You have to know HOW you are going to lose those pounds and WHY you want to lose them. Set healthy goals and considering meeting with a dietician or therapist to help you prepare for your weight loss plan.

Read the original article at http://www.topendsports.com/weight-loss/dietsdontwork-2.htm