Weight loss can occur as part of the aging process, but equally can be a sign of an underlying physical, mental or social problem. If unchecked this may result in malnutrition. Some people find getting older difficult to cope with, suffering from depression and periods of apathy that may reduce their willingness to eat. In some cases, physical decline may reduce some older people’s ability to cook and prepare meals. Other causes may be tooth loss and use of dentures, changes to the digestive system, or side effects from certain medications.

Regardless of the causes, if the weight loss continues, it can have undesirable consequences such as muscle wasting, the deterioration of the immune system and a general decline in physical and emotional health. However, it is equally important that weight recovery should be undertaken carefully so as not to put undue stress on the body and organs.


  • Eating an abnormal or limited diet.
  • Difficulties chewing, swallowing or digesting food.
  • Recent illness or surgery, which may have a negative impact on ability to utilize food.
  • Unintentional weight loss.
  • An appearance of undernourishment: e.g. loose clothes, fragility, poor appetite, depression, wasted muscles, changes in bowel movements.



Our doctor can assess the underlying causes of your weight loss, advise on appropriate investigations and treatment, or make referrals


Our dietician will prepare a suitable and balanced eating programme to allow for a safe, gradual and sustainable weight gain. Supplements may be prescribed when necessary


Our therapists can work with any psychological issues that may be causing depression and a disinterest in eating